Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Citrus Chronicle Sports Page

I will be editing the video later as we have a game tonight as well so I will have two games to go through. But the video for this game should show a lot of good footage even though we were freezing as the night went on it was about 41 degree's at the end of the game.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Tricia's Birthday Party

      This weekend is a busy weekend for her as she had her birthday earlier this week so the party was last night on Friday the 6th because she has her Parade in Crystal River tonight Saturday the 7th. More pictures to come from that so check back on her page for those updates. 

The girls decorated the wagon for the Christmas Parade then filled it with all the birthday gifts as they were all hyped up on Chocolate from the Chocolate covered strawberries, pretzels, bananas and cake! Happy 13th Birthday Tricia.   

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Austin's update

     Just wanted to bring everyone up to date on everything so far. The CRHS varsity boys soccer lost their third game to a score 1-5. Austin's video highlights will be posted on his page, just a short 2 minutes of footage. Also not pictured or talked about much is that Austin Reffed his first soccer games today, three games as he earned a little extra money. Pictures to come soon as I am proud of him and his first job being a FIFA Certified soccer Ref.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


     I have officially been asked to provide the coach the game video's so they can use them for topics of discussion in areas of improvements and accomplishments. The team has played 3 games and I have recorded 2 of them (home games) Below is a clip of the last home game, where we lost 6-0 however that being said the other team was a very seasoned team of seniors. 11 out of 18 players on the roster were seniors who have no doubt-ably played together in club and high school. Our team this year consist of 3 seniors. A young team that will grow over the years. Please watch the clip below as I edited it to compose mostly Austin's highlights. I also want to point out the news paper article where Austin's name appeared in the Citrus Chronicle. Next game is tonight, so I will post the updates.


Wednesday, November 06, 2013

HS Soccer update

     The first game against Hernando High ended in a win for Crystal River High with a score of 1-0. Austin played all but about five minutes in the game. Because of rain I was unable to record the entire game but here are Austin's highlights I did catch for you to view. I should have tonight's second game available tomorrow.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Austin's Soccer update

     I just wanted to update everyone on a few things here with Austin's soccer plans and schedules.  He still has 3 games left in his competitive soccer league at Nature Coast Soccer with the next game for them is 2-1-14. This allows for him to play for his high school team.

     Last Friday Austin was informed that he was the ONLY freshmen to make the Crystal River High School  boys varsity soccer team with their first game on 11-4-13. High School Schedule As always I will keep everyone updated as I do not know much more than this. I am under the assumption that Austin will be playing a Forward position or mid field rather than defense but that may change. I will continue to post highlights as I have been.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

10-13-13 Tournament Game Highlight

Austin has his Goal along with his assist and he attempted another shot by the move known as a bicycle but only tapped the ball. 

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Latest Game Highlights

     This is just an updated video of Austin's latest soccer game. His highlights are still accessible on his page. 
     Also checkout Tricia's page and the footage of her and the band at the Home coming football game where the team went on to win 55-0 against her previous middle school. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Austin's Soccer Highlights

Austin's soccer highlights (that were caught on video) are soon going to be posted on his page. Please take a look at his page to view. In the mean time here are some pictures taken at the latest game.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Competitive Soccer Schedule

     The kids have started school and are going into the second week already.  All good things to look forward to as they both are going to new schools.  I just wanted to inform everyone that Austin's Competitive soccer schedule is now out and can be viewed using the link on the right of this blog under (pages) He is in for a busy season as his High School Soccer schedule is not yet available however I will post it as soon as I get it. We would love to have any family or friends attend any games you can and I will try to notify you to those games closer to your location. Keep checking the link as I will post the results there too. 
Competitive Soccer Schedule/Results

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tricia's picture

      Well it's been a busy summer and school is starting up already as the kids go back to school Aug. 8th (aka next week) and before I get to far behind I wanted to post this picture I just got around to scanning.

Check the "pictures" blog using the link in the right column to see some other pictures from last week. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Family Weekend

     Just wanted to post the picture of the family taken this past weekend as we enjoyed the weekend with friends and family. We should have taken a few more but this one works just as good.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Update Info

     Just wanted to inform everyone that I just uploaded a few more pictures of Austin's Soccer Tournament weekend. Please see his page to view them. Also wanted to let you know that we have seen the report cards on line and we are still waiting for the hard copies but Tricia's final grades for the year were all A's and we are very proud. Austin's were A's and 2 B's still very proud of both. 

     We also just received Tricia's 2013 Recital DVD and will be posting her dances on her page shortly so keep checking back.

Below are just two pictures of Austin 

Nice kick in the grASS Austin! LOL

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Busy Holiday weekend

     We had a busy holiday weekend at the ESPN WIDE WORLD of SPORTS COMPLEX at DISNEY. Austin's team "Nature Coast Soccer" attended the Soccer tournament. Please check back later on his page for video's and other pictures as I still have to collect and edit it all together. But below are a few that I have already downloaded.

Monday, May 20, 2013


It's not the biggest and it's not the first time but it is the most I've seen at one time and am curious of any damage if any in the area.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2013 Dance pictures

Here are a couple of pictures, look for more to be posted on Tricia's page and video will follow.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


     As posted earlier that Austin applied to attend the Academy of Environmental Science. The school only had 50 positions open for the freshmen class as the school itself holds a max of 90 students total. He is excited to be accepted as he got the letter today!  
The accomplishments for the school 

2012 Regional Science Fair: All 10 high school projects selected for State Science Fair Completion were AES students.

Geometry 2012: Top 23% of Schools in Florida (195/818)

Biology 2012: Top 11% of Schools in Florida (71/672)

Selected as one of the "Best High Schools" (2010) by US News & World Report

     If you would like to see more refer to the earlier post and follow the link to AES. 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Pipers Face Painting

Fun day at the Homosassa State Park. This is Piper's Face Painting video.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fun day getting wet

     The kids came to me and asked me to film the prank. So I stayed inside and filmed it from the window and out of site. Even though I knew the plan I admit didn't think it was going to go over as well as it did. Watch the video below.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Weekend Adventure

     Had a nice few days off with the family this weekend and we did some cave exploring and hiking in the trails of the Withlacoochee State Forest. A lot of walking I admit but it was nice weather and we all enjoyed it so I just thought I'd share some pictures here.

     More pictures of this weekend have been posted on the pictures page (Link on the right side in blog)  If you'd like to come along with us on this adventure and view my manatee experience look for the video link on the right as well.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Report Cards

     Just wanted to blog as a proud parent to two wonderful youths. (kids is not politically correct)  Both Austin and Tricia made A B honor roll.  

     Tricia's is working on her up coming Tropicana Speech with a funny and catchy topic "Surviving the Snore" about how she deals with a house of snoring people. She says I snore, however there is no proof of this! I still wish her luck.

     Austin's application for AES is in and application deadline is April 6th and we have been told we should receive a notification sometime in the middle of April. We hope he gets in but there are only 50 openings for students for the entire county.  They say it's a Lottery picking system to get in, however I think there are students that are qualified more than others.  Such as higher GPA's, teacher recommendations, student and parent interests (engagement) among other factor's.  Here again we wish and hope for the best for him.  He will have a good freshman year regardless.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Austin Art

Austin's art on display at the mall. A nice award that his art was chosen from peers to be one of a few from his school. He did't think all that much of it, so he says.

     Later tonight is his high school open house where we are planning and hoping to get answers to a lot of questions for both us as parents and for him as the student. We are planning to explore both campuses. We applied for him to attend the Academy of Environmental Science Program (AES) and have not got acceptance yet. So at this point we don't know what school to attend at open house. AES or Crystal River High. (CRHS) (AES is a program offered at CRHS) As we understand, this allows Austin to participate in CRHS soccer program which is also a major important issue for Austin. We have been told that if you attend the open house at AES You have a bigger and better chance of being accepted. Open house at AES is from 5-8 and Crystal River is from 6-7. We will post more about this subject on his page.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Video on Austin's Page

     Placed 1st in the boys Long Jump for Citrus Springs Middle School at it's first Track Meet against three other schools including Lecanto Middle, Seven Rivers Christian and The Villages with the record jump of 16ft 3 inchs! Check out the video on Austin's page.

Sunday, March 03, 2013


     Austin took the test today in Brooksville and passed! So I want to congratulate him here by posting a picture of his achievement.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Region Cup Tournament

     Here is some of the events and video's from this weekend.  You can find more about this weekends video's and picture's and updates on Austin's Page (Link located on the right side on the blog.)


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Updated Austin's Page

     Just wanted to let everyone know that I updated Austin's page. I know that some of you get an e-mail when I post to this page but not on the kids, so this is just an fyi to let you know to check out their pages too. Their links are on the right.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Austins Page

Check out Austin's page for today's soccer update.

Friday, January 18, 2013


     We have discussed the options to Austin about his choice of schools he would like to attend next year and their programs that they offer.  He is zoned for Crystal River under the new rezoned lines.  He was given the choice if he wanted to attend Lecanto and continue to play soccer with coach Deem on junior varsity. 
     Austin chose to go with Crystal River for many reasons. He already knows friends that attend the school and on the soccer team. Austin plans to play soccer for school and hopes to make the varsity team his freshman year. This years varsity team has 16 seniors graduating and Austin has a good chance of making the varsity team with his 3 years of competitive soccer experience. Austin will continue to play competitive soccer for Nature Coast.

     Austin also chose Crystal River because of their Academy of Environmental Science program. This program is only available to select students who apply and meet certain requirements as Austin has applied and now has to wait to see if he is accepted into this program.

     As an added note I want to congratulate both Austin for making AB Honor Roll & Tricia for making AB Honor Roll for a second time with all A's and 1 B. Keep up the good work.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


     It hasn't been an issue for over six years. However now that Austin is going to be in the high school they (the school district) choose to rezone.  

Citrus County school leaders will not redraw district lines for elementary schools.
According to Bay News 9's partner paper, the Citrus County Chronicle, the school board will still move forward with a rezoning plan for Crystal River and Lecanto high schools. The move could affect 160 students in the Citrus Springs-Pine Ridge area.
Board members said they decided against rezoning the elementary school students because they thought it would cause anxiety for parents and children while solving few of the schools' population problems.
A final decision on the rezoning is expected in April.

     Austin knowing that he is zoned for Lecanto has been looking forward to attending this school and it's soccer program, as it holds championships in the past. Austin also has been working with the soccer coach for the past 2 years. Lecanto's coach Troy Deem has seen, watched and coached Austin. All in all we think Lecanto High is the better school although Crystal River High is closer, up until now we were zoned for Lecanto why do changes have to happen now?

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Updates and Important up coming dates

     A lot of news to cram into this update. Where to start....... Let's start with the up coming important dates on the calendar excluding birthdays. Tricia has The Show Stopper's Dance Competition on May 3-5 in Lakeland. Tricia's dance recital is on May 11, 2013.

     Austin's soccer team has made the Region Cup Tournament. At this time we know the teams we are up against and that it will be held the last week of Feb. or first week of March, time and place TBA.

     Also it has come to my attention that there might be an opening for the over night shift in Inverness. I am thinking heavily on taking  this opportunity as they don't open up often. At this time the pro's are out weighing the cons. 

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Austin's Page

     Check out the latest updates about Austin's soccer games.  Read all about it, get the scoop on the up coming games, pictures, links to the teams standings and much more.