Sunday, March 24, 2013

Report Cards

     Just wanted to blog as a proud parent to two wonderful youths. (kids is not politically correct)  Both Austin and Tricia made A B honor roll.  

     Tricia's is working on her up coming Tropicana Speech with a funny and catchy topic "Surviving the Snore" about how she deals with a house of snoring people. She says I snore, however there is no proof of this! I still wish her luck.

     Austin's application for AES is in and application deadline is April 6th and we have been told we should receive a notification sometime in the middle of April. We hope he gets in but there are only 50 openings for students for the entire county.  They say it's a Lottery picking system to get in, however I think there are students that are qualified more than others.  Such as higher GPA's, teacher recommendations, student and parent interests (engagement) among other factor's.  Here again we wish and hope for the best for him.  He will have a good freshman year regardless.

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